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Ah, I see you found your way to the About Page! Well, since you're here, allow me to provide just a little bit of meta-information on this website and various choices I've made for it.

A Quick Q&A

Who are you?

Hey! My online alias is Salty. How's it going?

I see myself as a technologist, artist, gaming enthusiast, and all around general nerd. Generally speaking, I don't go with conventional societal labels and would rather let my thoughts and stories to define me instead.

If you'd like to find me elsewhere on the interwebs, head over to my Links page!

Why did you make this website?

Originally, I was urged to make a website as a means to show off a portfolio for past keyboard builds in case anyone were interested in possibly commissioning me to build them a board. However, I kept sort-of putting off the entire thing until the individuals interested fell out of contact, so I was left with a partially-written, partially-incomplete keyboard portfolio. Eventually, I figured, "well I've got a lot of thoughts, ideas, and projects I can write about, I might as well start a blog somewhere... but where?"

Well hey, I've already got the beginnings of a website, so why not just re-orient things to be more of an informal portfolio while also providing a home for my infrequent bloggy talky talky and such? And so this website was officially formed!

What does AltUniDev mean?

Hey Salty, what does AltUniDev even mean?

AltUniDev was a mashup of three words I was thinking about at one point in time when trying to describe myself to... myself (strange to think about, I know). Essentially, I wanted to find something that described me as who I am, as accurately as possible. I'm neither a super artistic-minded person nor am I the most overtly technical individual either. However, I'm both technical and artistic while also having quite an ear (or eye?) for linguistics and writing. I've done fiction writing, poetry, music, photography, and videography. At the same time, I've also done software development, electronics hardware experiments, worked IT and even built electric race cars! So what is a good description for a perpetual day-dreamer who so happens to also be technology enthusiast?

Well I settled on "Alternative Universe Developer", or "AltUniDev" for short. I think it's clever anyway.

Okay, so why the difference between "Salty" and "AltUniDev"?

Well that's because I like to have a bit of a distinction between my online alias and the projects I work with. Essentially, the way I think about it is that "AltUniDev" is an organization that is comprised of one individual: Salty. It may be expanded to more in the future, or may remain just myself -- only time will tell, I suppose.


This website was built with MkDocs. Additionally, this website was themed with Material for MkDocs.

Otherwise, all content on this website has been written specifically for use here. Quotes, references, and links will be included in individual pages and posts as necessary.

Privacy Policy

Last updated 2023-09-15

The long and short of it

I (Salty) and this website (AltUniDev) do not intentionally collect any personally-identifiable information from this website (


If you voluntarily communicate with me over various online platforms or services (i.e. email, instant message, etc.), I may retain this information on file. This works in the same way that, should I communicate to you (via, say, email), you have direct access to the information I send in your file.

Services used

Third-party services being used to assist with delivering this website and contents within may collect various bits of information.

  • This website is currently hosted on Github Pages. Please refer to their privacy policy for further education.
  • Additionally, the domain services are provided by Cloudflare. Please refer to their privacy policy for further education.
    • I may refer to dashboards provided with Cloudflare's tools to get a better idea of website visits and other basic analytics.
  • Some icons on the website may be pulled from Font Awesome. Please refer to their privacy policy for further education.
    • In the future (pending further developments), I may investigate options of hosting these icons and other assets on the web server to reduce on remote dependencies and services required to run this website. However, currently this is the system being used.